With a Photobucket subscription, you can share private password-protected albums effortlessly. With three convenient methods, adding a password to an album is a breeze.
Note: When creating a password for an album, it's important to note that the password will solely apply to the specific album you're working with. If you have sub-albums within it, separate passwords will be required for each.
Method 1: Adding a Password when Inside the Album
- Select the album of your choice and navigate to it by clicking on it.
- Once inside the album, click on the album privacy icon, represented by an eye symbol positioned next to the album name at the top.
- A menu will appear with the options to make your album public, private, or password-protected.
- Select Password Protected.
- Enter a password, then click Save.
Method 2: Adding a Password from My Albums Page
- Click My Albums on the left side of the page and navigate to the album you wish to secure with a password.
- When hovering your mouse over the album, a checkmark will appear at the top left corner of the album preview. Click on this checkmark, then proceed to click on the details icon
, located in the toolbar at the top right of the screen.
- A slide-out menu will appear with the options to make your album public, private, or password. Select Password.
- Enter a password, then click Save.
Note: This option is unavailable for Images without albums or Mobile Uploads of albums listed.
Method 3: Adding a Password from the Albums List
- You'll find a list of your albums in the left-side menu. If you don't see this list immediately, you may need to scroll down further or select 'Show Albums.'
- Find the album you wish to password-protect, then click on the three dots located to the right of the album name.
- A menu will appear. Select Album Details.
- A slide-out menu will appear with the options to make your album public, private, or password. Select Password.
- Enter a password, then click Save.
Changing the Password for Your Album
- To change the password for the desired album, access its album details using any of the three methods described earlier.
- Password-protected albums will have an Album Password section within the slide-out menu. Click on the Edit icon, denoted by a pencil symbol, located next to the password field.
- Enter your new password, then click Save to apply the changes.
Note: You cannot delete a password. However, if you wish to remove password protection from an album, you can simply adjust the album privacy settings to either Public or Private.
To learn more about sharing albums, click here.