Did you accidentally delete a photo from your Group Bucket? No worries, you’ll be able to restore it back to where it was!
Follow the steps below to restore your photos.
While viewing your Group Bucket:
- Click on the Trash folder
- Click the Select button in the top right or click the checkmark in the top left of the photo
- Select the photos you want to restore
- Click Restore
- Select where to restore the photos to
- Selecting All Items will move the images back into the group bucket but not an album
- Selecting an Album or sub-album will move the images into that album
- Selecting Create Album will prompt you to enter an album name. Click Save to create the album. Then, you’ll be able to select the new album.
- Click Move
Depending on your role, you may have different permissions when deleting or restoring images.
- Owners and Admins will be able to delete or restore any images
- Contributors will only be able to delete or restore their own images. This means they cannot delete or restore photos uploaded by another Group Bucket member.
- Viewers do not have any permission to delete or restore any images.