If you uploaded an image to a Group Bucket and have decided to delete it, the following steps will help you.
- Locate the image in the Group Bucket that you want to remove.
- At the bottom of the screen, you will see a box for Selecting images. Tap the Select box.
- Tap on the image to select it.
- Tap on the Delete (Trash can) button at the bottom of the screen.
- You can also tap on the image to full screen and tap delete at the bottom right of the image.
Images that are placed for deletion will move directly to your Trash folder. Images in the Trash folder will automatically be deleted in 30 days from when it was placed for deletion.
If you prefer to remove the deleted image(s) immediately:
- Tap on the Menu icon
at the top left of the screenÂ
- Tap on the Trash folder
- You can select one, a group, or all images to Delete Forever. If you prefer to delete all, selecting Empty Trash will remove everything in your Trash Folder.
- To return to that Group Bucket, go back to the menu at the top left and tap All Items.