You'll need to edit our provided code by adding your preferred size parameters to display your photos in their original quality and size.
To get our provided hosting code:
- Select the image by clicking on the top-left checkmark.
- Click the Share Icon in the top-right toolbar.
- Click on the Hosting tab
- Click on the Embed option
- Copy your code and then paste it onto the site you are hosting to
- Locate the width and height dimensions within the code
The HTML code will have 2 sets of dimensions to edit
The IMG code will have 2 sets of dimensions to edit
You can adjust the height and width values up to the original size of the image. For example, if your image is 1920x1080, you can set the values to those maximums.
Remember that the image hosting can return any size up to the photo's original size.
It cannot increase the quality beyond its original upload.
A Group Buckets plan is needed for personal and social sharing. To link or embed your photos, you need the Hosting plan. For more information on all our currently offered plans, click here.