Downloading your images and videos has never been easier!
No matter if you're an account owner or a Group Bucket visitor, downloading is quick and easy!
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Single | Album | Multiple | UnZip
To download an image or a video:
- Locate the image or video you want to download
- Select the image by clicking on the checkmark in the top left-hand corner of that image
- You can also select the image by clicking the Select button in the toolbar and then clicking the image
- Click the Download icon located at the top-right corner of the page to download the selected image or video to your computer
To download an image or video from the media details page:
While viewing the photo or video, click the downloadicon in the top-right toolbar.
To download an album:
Locate your album on the left-hand panel, click the 3 dots, then select Download album.
To select multiple images or videos:
Note: This option is only available on a computer
- While viewing an image gallery, click the checkmark on the left corner of the first image
- Scroll down to the last image you want to select
- Hold down the Shift key on your keyboard and click the checkmark on the last image. This will select all images between the first and last ones.
- Once images are selected, the toolbar at the top-right of your screen will highlight available actions
- Choose any available action from the toolbar to apply it to all selected images
If you download more than one image, an email will be sent to your account's email address. The email will contain the download link for your selected images.
To deselect specific images, uncheck the photo or video by clicking on the checkmark in the top left corner of that image.
To deselect all images, click on the X button located in the top-left corner, next to the search bar.
How to unzip your downloaded images or videos
To unzip the downloaded file on Windows
- Right-click on the downloaded .zip folder, then click Extract All.
- Click Browse to select a folder on your computer where you want the album extracted. If you prefer to keep it in the same folder, you can skip this step.
- Click Extract.
To open a zip file on a Mac
- Double-click on the file. The unzipped folder will be added next to the zip file.
For instructions on downloading images to your mobile device, click here.