It's quick and easy to share your images from Photobucket. Just copy your image links from your account and share your photos anywhere that you choose.
These are the options available to share your images:
Direct link: This is the web location where your image is stored. Use this link for sites that ask you to insert an image from a web URL.
HTML code: Use this to embed a photo or video on forums or websites like Blogger, eBay, and more!
IMG link: Use this to embed your photo or video on message boards and forums that do not allow you to input HTML coding.
Email & IM: Use this link to share your image or album via email or IM. This link will send you directly to Photobucket to view the content.
How to copy your link codes from My Bucket or an Album:
- Select the checkmark in the top-left corner of an image. Once you've selected an image, click on the rest of the images you want to share at the same time.
- Click the Share icon in the toolbar.
- From your share options, click Direct Link or click the Embed icon.
- If choosing the Embed option, select your format (HTML, IMG, or iFrame), and then select your preferred size for the image(s) you want to embed.
- Click the Copy icon to copy the link(s). You are now ready to paste your links to your website.
How to copy your link codes from the media details page:
- Click to open the image in full view that you want to link out or embed.
- Click on the Share icon in the toolbar.
- From your share options, choose Direct Link or Embed .
- If choosing the Embed option, select your format (HTML, IMG, or iFrame), and then select the preferred size for the image you want to embed.
- Click the Copy icon to copy the link. You are now ready to paste that link to your website.
How to copy your link codes from a group bucket album:
- Locate and click on the checkmark of the image that you want to link out or embed, in your chosen Group Bucket.
- Click on the Share Media icon in the upper toolbar.
- Select the second tab <> HOST.
- The first icon allows for sharing the direct link, while the second allows you to select different options to embed images. HMTL, Img, or iFrame. You can also select the size of the image you want to embed. Thumb, Small, Medium, or Large. Click on your choices here.
- Then click the 'copy to clipboard' icon to the right of the image link. You are now ready to paste the link to your website.
<Desktop - Hosting - GBImages - 09 2024.gif>