Your privacy is important to us! Here's how we keep your account and content secure:
Account Privacy
By default, all accounts and their contents are private. This means that your photos, videos, and albums are only visible to you unless you choose to share them using a sharing link or you have active members of a Group Bucket.
Personal Bucket VS Group Buckets
Personal Buckets: These are for individual use and storage. To share them with others, you’ll need to create a sharing link or convert the bucket to a Group Bucket.
- Group Buckets: These are designed for collaboration. Members of a Group Bucket can view, upload, download, and create albums. You can also share the content with others using sharing links.
Sharing Links
Sharing Links lets you share a Bucket, album, or specific images from your account.
Keep in mind that when a Bucket, album, or image is shared, anyone with the sharing link can view and download the content.
Important! Account content is still subject to our Terms of Use. Please make sure you are uploading content that meets our community standards.
For more information on what sharing is, check out this article.
For more information on how to share, check out this article.