If your images were uploaded prior to April 2019, please refer to this section below.
Images uploaded after April 2019
The photos you upload to our site are guaranteed to be compression-free. Whenever you view the images in your account on the site, they are optimized to fit your screen. As a result, the resolution of your images may appear lower than what you originally uploaded, but it was not altered in any way. We will not alter the size of your images by compressing them.
In case you require access to the original images, you may download them back to your device. The downloaded images will be in the same format and size as provided during the upload. To download the original images, you will need to download them from our site.
However, please note that only the logged-in account holder can access this function. So, make sure that you are logged into your account before attempting to download the original image.
For more information on how to download your images, please see the following articles:
Please note that right-clicking and selecting ‘Save As' to download the image from your browser will only download a web-sized copy of that image.
Images uploaded before April 2019
The upload resolution for any images uploaded before that will depend on whether your account was free or had an active subscription at the time.
If you had an active subscription before April 2019, your images were uploaded in their original size. However, if your upload preferences were set to a specific size on the legacy site, this will overwrite the uploading of originals to your account and will follow the upload size you selected in your settings.
If your images were uploaded before April 2019 and your account was free, your images were uploaded as web-sized copies.