Images uploaded after April 2019
Your uploaded photos are guaranteed to be compression-free. When viewed on our site, they are optimized for your screen, which may make the resolution seem lower, but the original quality remains unchanged. We do not compress your images.
Images uploaded before April 2019
The upload resolution for images uploaded before April 2019 depends on whether your account was free or had a subscription at that time.
If you had an active subscription before April 2019, your images were uploaded at their original size. However, if you set a specific upload size on the legacy site, that preference will overwrite the original uploads in your account.
If your images were uploaded before April 2019 on a free account, they were uploaded as web-sized copies.
How can I get the original image?
You can download the original images back to your device in the same format and size as they were uploaded.
Check out the articles below to start downloading your images:
- How to download images and videos to your computer
- How to download images and videos on a mobile browser
Please note that right-clicking and selecting ‘Save As' to download the image from your browser will only download a web-sized copy of that image.