On the Photobucket mobile site, you can change the sort order of your photos and videos in various ways. By default, all images are sorted by Date Uploaded: Newest.
My Bucket
To change the sort order for My Bucket, tap on the icon below the toolbar.
You can sort your images in My Bucket as follows:
- Date Taken: Newest
- Date Taken: Oldest
- Date Uploaded: Newest
- Date Uploaded: Oldest
- Title: A - Z
- Title: Z - A
It is important to note that the Sort Order feature is global. Whatever sorting option you choose will apply to all your images in My Bucket, all albums, and all sub-albums.
Personal or Group Buckets
To change the sort order for the images in a Personal or Group Bucket, tap on the icon below the toolbar.
You can sort your images in Personal or Group Buckets as follows:
- Title
- Date Uploaded
- Date Taken