Got a lot of memories? Not to worry, you can easily find what you're looking for using the search feature!
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Search Terms
- Title
- Description keywords
- Tags
How does it work? Enter your search term in the Search this bucket… bar to the top left of the page, and press enter! Any image or video in your account with information that matches the search term will appear in your view.
Need help finding that exact image? Our search bar looks for an exact match, so if you're not getting results, try fuzzy searching.
Find out the common keyword. For example, IMG_ is used quite often
- Other common keywords: DSC or a date like 20120101_
Enter the keyword in the search bar and add a ' * ' at the end
- Example: IMG_* or DSC*
- Hit Enter, and voila! You'll see images containing that keyword.
Adding titles, descriptions, and tags to your images can improve your search results!
Click here to learn more.