Easily share your favorite pictures or albums with your family and friends using our email-sharing feature.
These features are only available from within My Bucket
To share an image via email:
- Click the checkmark in the upper left-hand corner of the image you want to share. This will select the image.
- Click the Share button in the toolbar.
- Click on the Email button.
- Enter the email address where you want to send the image. (You can add up to 20 recipients to that email).
- Enter a message for that recipient.
- Click Share to send the email.
*Sharing multiple images in one email is not an option at this time. This only allows one image or one album to be shared per email that you send.
To share an album via email:
There are a few ways to share an album via email. Keep in mind that the album must be public or password protected, and sharing a private album is not allowed. If you need more information on how to change your album privacy settings, click here.
Sharing an album from your left side album list:
- Locate the album you want to share on the left-hand side of your account page.
- Click the three dots to the right of that album name and select Share Album.
- Click on the Email button.
- Enter the email addresses of your recipients. (You can add up to 20 recipients to that email)
- Add a Message for them.
- Click Share to send the email.
Sharing an album while you are viewing it:
- Locate and click on the album to enter that album in full view.
- Click the Share icon in the upper toolbar.
- Click on the Email button.
- Enter the email addresses of your recipients. (You can add up to 20 recipients to that email)
- Add a Message for them.
- Click Share to send the email.
You can also share albums by clicking My Albums on the left side of your account page. You can find the album on that page. Click the checkmark on the album you want to share to select it.
Please remember that you can only share one album at a time and cannot share albums that say Images without albums or Mobile Uploads.
Once the album is selected, click the share button and follow the instructions above.
Sharing images or albums within a Group Bucket via email, is not an option at this time. To learn more about the other ways of sharing images and videos from Group Buckets, please click here:
You can find additional information on how to share your albums in our How Do I Share My Albums article.