Once you’ve signed in to your Photobucket account on a mobile browser, uploading is easy!
Uploading photos and videos through the app is currently limited to:
- 500MB on iOS
- 200MB on Android
For larger uploads, use a desktop or mobile browser. For more information, see our desktop and mobile guide.
Uploading to My Bucket
- Towards the top, tap on the Upload button
Select your upload option: Photo Library, Take Photo or Video or Choose Files
- Photo Library - Tap to select your images and tap Add to begin your upload
- Take Photo or Video - Simply take a photo or video
- Choose Files - Tap to select your images
Uploading directly to an Album
- Open the album where you want to upload your images. If you don’t select an album, your images will be uploaded to your My Bucket album by default
- Tap on the Upload button and select your upload option
- Tap the images you want to upload
- Tap Add to upload your images
- You will see a message regarding the success of your image uploads as they progress